The soft hair of sesshoumaru

Oh, my God! Sesshomaru is so serious! That's was not exactly the idea when I drew this.

Personally I love the pairing Sesshomaru/Rin, and their relationship, I think that when she grows up, she going to be the love of Sesshomaru, who learns a lot about humans thanks to her and thanks to all the things that happens with his half-brother Inuyasha.

Rin is very nice and sweet, and she is one of my favourite characters. I remember that in the 3th Inuyasha movie, Takemaru [the bad guy] said something like "They're like Izayoi, They're the women of the beast".

I am pretty sure that Sesshomaru's hair is silky and soft (and smells so good).
And also, I'm quite sure Rin thinks the same!


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