Look at me, Koushirou!

This drawing was inspired in avery old idea I had for a fanfiction. Actually, I wrote it completely but never published it. It was called "Kabuterimon's dream" and it was Spanish only. 
The fanfiction explored the ideas of Izzy/Koshirou and the mind of his digimon, Tentomon/Kabuterimon/AtlurKabuterimon and how he dealt with the fact he is an adopted boy and how he also dealt with his own lonelyness and attitude. Tentomon's dream was to be a better companion, maybe one more similar to his digidestined, something more human-ish. 

I can't explain all the things that happened before doing this comment too long, but Kabuterimon managed to have a more human-ish form (as well as the other digimons). And he was so excited about to show Izzy!
This picture tried to convey that scene.


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